You need to market your practice because it’s good business. Recognizing that a dental practice is a small business is the first step toward making your practice both professionally successful and personally rewarding.
Who you are, as a dentist and a practice, is reflected in your stationery, referral cards, advertisements, newsletter, and brochures. Every communication with your patients reinforces the decision they made to choose to continue care, to refer their friends. Start now, and like ripples in a pond, marketing can have both an immediate and recurring impact on your practice success.
A customized, effective marketing program takes care of business while allowing you to focus on quality dentistry. Marketing really can be as simple as that.
We have one of the country’s largest libraries of articles on dental topics written for patients. The collection is distinguished for its range of topics, clinical research, and professional writing and is a valuable resource for our clients and their patients.
Founded in 1980, we introduced the first newsletter for dental practices and have written over 3,000 original articles.